Organizations Worth Connecting With
CFSY is a nationÂal coaliÂtion and clearÂingÂhouse focused on fair and age-approÂpriÂate senÂtences for youth, with a focus on abolÂishÂing life withÂout parole senÂtences for youth.
NCJJ proÂvides research on juveÂnile and famÂiÂly jusÂtice sysÂtems for use in improvÂing those systems.
Vera purÂsues safe, healthy and empowÂered comÂmuÂniÂties and a fair, accountÂable jusÂtice system.
No Kids in Prison seeks to end youth imprisÂonÂment entireÂly in favor of investÂments in comÂmuÂniÂty proÂgrams that can put youth on track to success.
JLC is a nonÂprofÂit, pubÂlic interÂest law firm that uses legal strateÂgies and legÂislaÂtive advoÂcaÂcy for the benÂeÂfit of youth in the juveÂnile jusÂtice system.
The SenÂtencÂing Project proÂmotes effecÂtive and humane responsÂes to crime that minÂiÂmize imprisÂonÂment and crimÂiÂnalÂizaÂtion of youth and adults.
YAP proÂmotes a culÂturÂalÂly responÂsive conÂtinÂuÂum of care that supÂports youth and famÂiÂlies of colÂor and reduces reliance on incarÂcerÂaÂtion and othÂer out-of-home placements.
NJDC builds the capacÂiÂty of the juveÂnile defense bar and improves access to counÂsel and qualÂiÂty of repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtion for chilÂdren in the jusÂtice system.